

Media reports

"Eleven five" the pelagic fishery of our country has made great development


Release time:2015-05-07

In accordance with the Party Central Committee seventeen plenary session "on the rural reform and development of a number of issues" related "to support and strengthen the ocean fishery" important instructions and approved by the State Council "of China's ocean fisheries development plan (2001-2010)", "eleven five year" period, ocean fishery in China to seize the opportunity, work hard, made great strides the development of.

A, the growing scale of the industry, the industrial structure has been optimized

According to preliminary statistics, in 2010 China's offshore fishing vessels 1899 ships, the total output value of 13600000000 yuan, respectively, than the "fifteen" at the end of 8% and 53% growth. Although the total output of 1060000 tons, 1220000 tons more than in 2005 declined, but the squid production reached 360000 tons, an increase of 33% over 2005, tuna production 150000 tons, growth of 36% in 2005. High seas fisheries developed further in the "fifteen" on the basis of fishery resources in the world, the high seas utilization rate increased from 5% to 6%. West Africa distant-water fishery to maintain steady growth, increase of Philippines, Thailand, new Mozambique, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Bangladesh and other cooperation projects, cooperation in the field of development, from a single fishing to fishing, fishing gear and frozen processing, etc., to achieve a win-win situation.

Two, enhance the capacity of developing the resources

In the country of 317 ships; large tuna seiners increased to 20 from 8 ships ship; large factory trawlers number 14 ships, 8 of them achieved upgrading. Ocean fishing waters and varieties has been further expanded, the successful development of Peru and the Southeast Pacific squid squid in India Ocean off the coast of Chile, albacore, North Pacific saury, Mauritania sea horse mackerel and tuna fisheries, Kiribati bottom fish. The positive policy support and guidance, through the introduction, construction, leasing and other ways, China's tuna long line fishing, the number of large pelagic fishing tuna increased rapidly, speed up the renovation of fishing vessels. Tuna longline vessels from 298 to

Three, the development and utilization of marine resources to achieve a historic breakthrough

Approved by the State Council department in 2010 for the first time, I organized the implementation of the Antarctic krill fishing, fishing 1846 tons of krill, and Antarctic krill fishery resources, meteorological environment, fishing method, processing and utilization, biological characteristics and other aspects of the preliminary research, made a lot of first-hand information, have practical experience in production organization safety, environmental protection, scientific research, strict implementation of the relevant resolutions of the Commission for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources, improve the ability to fulfill the international convention, and laid a solid foundation for development and utilization of Antarctic marine biological resources comprehensive project.

Four, improve the international status of the fishery

The "eleven five year" period, China has approved, joined the Inter American Tropical Tuna Convention on the conservation and management of fisheries management, the western and Central Pacific Convention, South Pacific high seas fisheries resources conservation and management of the Convention, participated in the negotiations of North Pacific High Seas Fisheries Management Convention, signed a bilateral cooperation agreement or memorandum with relevant countries, Argentina, Indonesia Canada, the basic realization of the smooth development of the existing international fisheries management pattern, the formation of effective utilization of quotas of international fishery resources, participate in international fisheries rulemaking to further increase the effect.