



Nutritional value

1, every 100 g of oysters, zinc content as high as 9.39 mg, men eat every day a can meet the demand for zinc in the body; To better zinc supplementation, taking some protein zinc zinc can be directly;

2, oysters contain abundant bezoar acid has obvious cholagogic effect protect liver, which is the medicine of the prevention and treatment of intrahepatic bile YuJi syndrome during pregnancy;

3, contains rich trace elements and yuan, to promote the development of the baby's growth, treatment for the pregnant woman anemia, and is good for the physical recovery of pregnant women;

4, oysters and best filling calcium food, it is very rich, phosphorous due to calcium needs the help of phosphorus absorbed by the body, so is conducive to the absorption of calcium;

5, oysters also contains vitamin B12, which is generally lacked food, vitamin B12 drilling elements in the material are necessary to prevent pernicious anemia, oysters and consequently has active hematopoietic function;

6, oysters in there are many kinds of amino acids, protein with detoxification, these amino acids can remove toxic substances in the body, the taurine and has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol concentration, thus can prevent hardening of the arteries;

7, oyster extract has obvious inhibiting platelet aggregation, reduce hyperlipidemia patients of TXA2 content in the blood fat and blood, and is advantageous to the insulin secretion and use, and can make the malignant tumor cells to radiation sensitivity, and the growth inhibition.




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