

Spanish mackerel block


Bayu spiny fish less, taste delicious, nutritious, and fleshy tightly solid, awl shaped, each hectogram meat protein more than 19 grams, 2.5 grams fat, meat solid taste delicious, rich nutrition. The liver is liver oil refining of raw materials.

Nutritional analysis

1. Spanish mackerel its fleshy delicate, taste delicious, nutritious, rich in protein, vitamin, mineral dot mackerel (mainly calcium), and other nutrients

2. The Spanish mackerel tonifying qi, smooth effect, the weak to cough and gasp the have certain curative effect

3. The Spanish mackerel, such as a diet also has a refreshing and anti-aging function often feed for treating anemia, premature aging, malnutrition, postpartum weakness and debility etc will have assisted effect.