

Product Distributors

The regional agency contract

Party A: Party b:

Address: address:

Telephone: telephone:

Fax: fax:

According to "people's Republic of China Contract Law" and relevant laws and regulations, Party A Party B to purchase the property in the area - -- distribution and related business matters, in line with the principle of equality and mutual benefit, friendly consultation by both parties:

The rights and obligations of Party A

1, Party A shall unify the ex factory price, and guarantee the supply and quality of goods according to Party B's request;

2, Party A shall be paid or unpaid skills training to Party B the dealer or paid to provide training data;

3, Party A shall have the right to retain the right of revision and interpretation of the marketing system and business operation of the company's.

4, after the signing of this contract, Party A shall provide relevant documents to Party B for the regional exclusive sales, such as product quality inspection report, the regional exclusive authorized certificate

5, in order to ensure exclusive distribution right of Party B, Party A does not guarantee the development of other dealers in the validity period of the contract the Party B within the sales region

The rights and obligations of Party B second

1, Party B has the right to use the term of validity of the contract products brand and other brand related text, images, but the scope is limited to the use of franchising in the field, and can not be used in other products, after the termination of the contract, Party B shall not continue to use the Party A for any reason or trademarks and brand related text, image

2, B in the autonomous, self financing under the premise, to the rules and regulations strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the party, as in violation of the party responsible;

3, Party B shall not without the right to transfer to others the regional sales and distribution at the same time, Party A shall, with the same or similar products, otherwise Party A has the right to cancel the sales qualification or penalty interest;

Sales 4, Party B shall in the franchise area, not across the district sales. Due to market demand across the region, without the written approval of Party A shall be.

5, Party B shall keep the commercial secrets of Party A, shall not disclose to any third party business information, including the technical data of the products, sales, inventory and price information, marketing and promotional activities of the relevant information.

Third deposit and regional exclusive distribution

1 Party B shall, after signing the contract within a week to a one-time payment of twenty thousand yuan deposit;

2 party credit guarantee, the margin is in the process of operation, guarantee Party B for the full performance of the contract, not sales, not sales, not the cross distribution of other competing brands;

3 Party A Party B, margin also enjoy brand equity, participation in a market policy, the membership activities and so on;

4 Party B to Party A not good performance and debt situation, upon the expiration or termination of the contract within one month after Party A shall refund the deposit.

5, the regional exclusive sales: municipal and county exclusive distribution with annual sales of not less than 500000, the first purchase of not less than 50000 yuan; the exclusive distribution with annual sales of not less than 1000000 yuan, the first purchase of not less than 100000 yuan; the exclusive distribution with annual sales of not less than 5000000 yuan, the first purchase of not less than 500000 yuan.

Article fourth: ordering, shipping and product quality

1, each purchase order: Party B to Party A before completing the "order" and the signature, indicate the name, specifications, quantity, date of remittance and other matters of the goods, Party A Party B to receive payment within one week after delivery.

2, after receiving full payment, Party A Party B in accordance with requirements of the delivery, the value below 100000, Party A shall not be liable for the freight. The value of more than 100000 (outside the above 200000) party a car for shipment and freight collect.

3, quality

1) Party A guarantees product quality before delivery, acceptance of goods to Party B shall be careful inspection, found that the packaging quality or shortage problem, Party B shall promptly confirm the damage field and carrier and photo storage, the presence of personnel authorized signature and within 3 days written notice to Party A. If Party A Party B 3 days, has not received the notice is deemed to have been received products are all qualified;

2) as found in the sale of quality problems, is the identification of quality problems in the production process by the party responsible for the exchange of.

3 Party B) in the absence of the carrier shall certify, notify Party A the goods are damaged, the shortage problem of Party A, which shall not be accepted;

4) caused by Party B in the selling process, or damage caused by quality problems due to improper management and other reasons, Party B shall be responsible for, and not into the market, thus causing the loss of Party B's.

Article fifth: Awards

1 Party B actual annual purchase amount of more than 1000000 yuan, Party A shall give 20000 yuan reward.

2 Party B actual annual purchase amount of more than 2000000 yuan, Party A shall give 40000 yuan reward.

3 Party B actual annual purchase amount of more than 3000000 yuan, Party A shall give 60000 yuan reward.

4, the end of the year award the contract payment, cash rewards for other items, party products or through negotiation by both parties.

Article sixth: liability for breach of contract

1, the party in breach of this contract led to the termination of the contract, to pay Party B when the annual purchase amount 10% of the liquidated damages for breach of contract.

2, Party B shall pay to Party A's breach of this contract content when the annual purchase amount of 10% default payment, pay the deposit shall not be refunded. If Party B, Party A's business secrets leaked improper use of a trademark or destruction of a corporate image, in addition to be paid according to the contract when the purchase amount of 10% of the default payment, it shall be liable for the economic losses caused to Party A.

Seventh: the termination of the contract

1, if any of the following circumstances, Party A has the right to cancel the regional exclusive sales qualification, the termination of the contract.

1) 7 days after the signing of the contract, Party B fails to pay the first payment.

2) shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification, its business license shall be revoked because of illegal sales, or for legal proceedings can not be normal sales.

3) disclosure of trade secrets Party B, party a corporate image, damage to other exclusive sales regional sales, in violation of the uniform price policy, or the production and sales of competing products such acts.

4 Party B) unauthorized transfer, transfer of exclusive distribution rights, Party A has the right to terminate the contract, Party B shall pay the deposit will not be refunded.

2, Party B is unable or unwilling to continue to sell, 2 months ahead of schedule to Party A in written form to terminate the contract for the consent of Party A can terminate the contract.

3, after the termination of the contract, both parties shall within 15 days after receiving the notice of termination of the contract ", unpaid debt. Otherwise, the monthly interest rate of 1.5% of the standard pay liquidated damages to the other. Within 10 days from the date of expiration or termination of this contract, Party A Party B shall be the sole and exclusive distributor sales certificate of authorization, party enterprise information, product information, non vulnerable promotional items, all kinds of image design standards, customer file and other related data to a text and pictures.

Article eighth: the term of the contract and the contract

1, this contract is valid from date month year to year month day.

2, the expiration of the contract, signed a new contract. But it should be in the contract before the expiry of 2 months written notice to the other contract.

Ninth: the validity of the contract

1, this contract shall become effective after both parties sign and stamp the account after the deposit to Party B and.

2, two copies of this contract, each party holds one, with the same legal effect.

3, matters not otherwise agreed by both parties, the supplementary provisions. Supplementary provisions of the contract and have the same legal effect.

Article tenth: Disputes

By 1, sales of Party B in the process of location, industrial and commercial tax, credit, shall be responsible for accounts receivable, sales staff and customer service and the legal disputes by Party B.

2, Party A and Party B in case of legal disputes, shall be settled through friendly negotiation, the negotiation fails, both parties to the Party of the people's court proceedings.

Article eleventh: annex to the contract

1, both sides signed a business license, the enterprise organization code certificate, tax registration certificate copy.

2, signed copy of ID card.

3, the contract period, Party A to adjust the file related sales policy and product price, signed by Party A and Party B after delivery, as the annex to the contract, and this contract has the same legal effect.

Party A:                                       Party b:

Have the right to contract signature:                         Have the right to contract signature:

Year Month Day                                                        Year Month Day